Full program coming soon


UIC reserves the right to alter proposed program layout as required.
Program published on 15/10/2022

 Program Descriptions

  • Australian Nursing Medicinal Cannabis Conference (Friday 11th August) sponsored by The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (ANMF) CPD points available.

    The program builds on the inaugural Nurses Conference in 2022 and explores the growing focus on the Endocannabinoid System and rising use of medicinal cannabis for patients with a range of conditions.

    Special International guests include renowned Israeli Cannabinoid and Cancer Researcher, Associate Prof Dedi Meiri who will speak across several programs. Also from Israel, Registered Nurses Miriam Ogintz from the Institute of Pain Medicine at Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa Israel and Inbal Sikorin who has extensive experience in managing aged care residents with medicinal cannabis.

    From the USA is Dr Genester Wilson King speaking about cannabis use in pregnancy and breast feeding, Cannabis Nurse Specialist Heather Manus speaking about the Endocannabinoid System as being the future of nursing care, and well-known Registered Nurse and patient advocate from ‘Patients out Of Time’ USA, Mary Lynn Mathre.

  • Academic & Research Program (Friday 11th August) sponsored & developed by Australia’s premier Cannabis Research Centre- The Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics. This program is a new addition to the Symposium and is especially relevant for university students, industry and academic institutions.

    A dynamic program will highlight emerging research from Australia and abroad with top international researchers Professor Ryan Vandry and Associate Professor Ziva Cooper from the USA and from the Netherlands,Dr Jan Ramaekers amongst a stellar guest speaker list. The Program will be supported by a Research Poster Display.

  • Pharmacist Program Accredited Training (Saturday 12th August). The program has been developed by the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics and the University of Sydney Pharmacy School in collaboration with community pharmacists, hospital pharmacists and experts in the field. The interactive program will provide pharmacists with education around the therapeutic uses of medicinal cannabis, the management of supply in pharmacy practice and the regulatory requirements of dispensing these products. Pharmacist can also expect to receive training around the new category of medicinal cannabis, over-the-counter, Schedule 3 'low-dose' cannabidiol (CBD). With increasing use of these products by the community, it is essential that pharmacists are knowledgeable in this emerging area of pharmacy practice.

  • General two day Medical & Community Affairs Program (Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th August) presented by United in Compassion (UIC) & the Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association (AMCA) CPD points available for Nurses and other HCPs as self-directed learning.

    This program will cover many conditions, some of the social aspects of medicinal cannabis use, the ongoing issues relating to patient access, the future potential, and possible problems. This program will be of interest to various Federal, State & Territory Government departments, members of the medicinal cannabis sector, health care professionals, carers, and patients.

  • Health Professional Accredited Training (Sunday 13th August) presented by The Society of Cannabis Clinicians Australian Chapter (SCCAC). CPD hours available.

    This is a great first course for those who are considering or new to prescribing. The course covers the historical aspects of cannabis use that have shaped our views and potential biases, the anatomy and physiology of the Endocannabinoid System, Clinical Indications and Pharmacokinetics, delivery methods, product selection and prescribing. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to confidently prescribe medicinal cannabis via the TGA SAS B portal.

  • Australian Medicinal Cannabis Industry Program (Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th August) presented by the Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association (AMCA), Program Chairs Emily Rigby and Bryan Ebstyne.

    The UIC2023 Industry Program includes all aspects of cannabis production from genetics and cultivation, through post-harvest to product innovation, including quality, compliance and marketing. The program covers the latest in best practice operations, research, innovation and opportunities plus presentations and Q&A with the TGA and ODC.

    Presenters include local and global experts covering a diverse range of knowledge and experience to provide a global perspective on opportunities and challenges in the cannabis industry. In this fast-paced industry, this program is not to be missed for those already involved or contemplating investing or joining the industry.

  • Medicinal Cannabis Trade Exhibition over all three days featuring up to 70 Medicinal Cannabis Industry participants including Clinics, Cultivators, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Importers and Exporters and also including Research Poster Display. Free entry to all ticket holders.